Saturday, 05 January 2008

So Sad....

While brunching we heard a loud Thump! Our youngest thought it was fireworks some mischievous youngster still had to light after New Year's eve.
I wished it was one of the birds, we were admiring at our bird feeder, who flew into the glass door.
It was a "common" finch(Chaffinch). Beautifully coloured (not seen in Photo but see link).
As we rushed to the window he was just giving his last squirms and died. Broken neck.
I rushed to get my Photo camera and the girls were planning a funeral. Dad got the spade.
What a pity.


Vi said...

oh how sad. :-(

Hope you and your family had a great christmas Mon.

monART said...

Oh Vi nice to see you again ;-) I'll pop over to your blog now