Still owed a photo of the flag line I made for my 8y0's b-day in July. I made one last year which in my opinion was prettier. On our visit to South-Africa in 2010 my oldest daughter turned 10 and I took the flagline with. Upon visiting one of my best friends I decided to do her a pleasure and gave her the flag line. This year my second child kept reminding me to have a finished one in time for her b-day in June. Well, I made the deadline.

I've cut 28 flags with a stencil I made from cardboard
and then used my rotary cutter to cut the triangles
I locked two flags at a time, right sides facing outwards, together
I then add them all randomly sewing them on 3m of bias binding
the binding is pink so I used a double zigzag stitch in red to create a very cute look
I made this line mostly with reds and pinks
my eldest turns 11 in October and I'd like to make her a blue/green one as she's not a pink girl
I'd like to make myself a black/white one but a dash of colour won't hurt at all :)
we"ll see